Property Owners Should Soon Start Receiving Appraisal Notices for the 2024 Tax Year
You may soon receive an appraisal notice from the Shelby County Appraisal District. The appraisal district mailed appraisal notices on 05/01/2024. Your city, county, school district and other local taxing units will use the appraisal district’s value to set your 2024 property taxes. Under Texas law, local appraisal districts must notify property owners about changes in their property’s value. The notice contains important information about the property’s location, ownership and property tax exemptions that apply to the property. It must also include a web address where tax information for the property can be found. Property owners who disagree with their property's appraised value, the exemptions or any other action by the appraisal district have the right to appeal to the Shelby County Appraisal Review Board (ARB). The ARB is an independent panel of citizens responsible for hearing and settling property owner protests. The notice of appraised value includes instructions on how and when to file a protest, a protest form, a statement about the availability of an informal conference prior to attending a protest hearing and a copy of the Comptroller’s Taxpayer Assistance Pamphlet. The deadline for filing an ARB protest is May 31 or 30 days after your notice of appraised value was delivered to you. The Comptroller’s publication, Taxpayer Assistance Pamphlet, explains in detail how to protest your property appraisal, what issues the ARB can consider and what to expect during a protest hearing. It also discusses the function of a taxpayer liaison officer, the option to request limited binding arbitration to compel the ARB or chief appraiser to comply with a procedural requirement and the options of taking your case to district court, the State Office of Administrative Hearings or regular binding arbitration if you are dissatisfied with the outcome of your ARB hearing. The Taxpayer Assistance Pamphlet is available from the Shelby County Appraisal District at 724 Shelbyville Street Center, Texas (936) 598-6171. The publication is also available on the Comptroller’s Property Tax Assistance Division’s website at comptroller.texas.gov/taxes/property-tax/.